Wednesday, October 12, 2016

What in the World? Mind Renewal

                          Image result for romans 12 2         
In our lives, we have constant inputs: parents, spouses, siblings, friends, teachers, adds on TV, FB, Pinterest to name a few.  Some inputs are positive others not so much.  Some uplift.  Others bring low.  All input shapes are thinking.  Sometimes it is subtle like a creeping spider that silently winds down on it's web and other thoughts overwhelm like gusty winds or large unsettling waves of the oceans crashing on shore.

But Romans 12:2 tells us Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the RENEWAL of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good, acceptable and perfect. 

The definition of renewal:

  • the replacing or repair of something that is worn-out, run-down, or broken
  • the act of being made new, fresh, or strong again
Over the last few days, I've been pondering the words in Romans especially renewal.  Many times, we think that we are alone with our thoughts.  But the truth is we are not.  Even if our thoughts are scary or anxious or weighty or happy...Jesus is with us with the power to change us.  Renewal is a present continuous verb.  It is constantly happening.  We have a Savior along the way that is able to to renew and transform us.  All this is needed is a willing vessel, open to the reconstructing power of Christ in ALL areas of our lives including our thoughts.  He brings repair, freshness, and makes us strong again.  What a beautiful thought!

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