Sunday, October 2, 2016

What in the world? Gold Mining

Understanding of worldview helps me to be conscience of where a friend or co-worker is coming from on many issues of life.  This may sound funny, but grasping and wrestling with my own worldview assists me in comprehending where I am coming from...

                                    Image result for jesus loves me this i know
As a young child, I was taught the simple truth in a simple song:  Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so.  I was well-taught this as a hard and fast fact just as the sun rising in the east every morning. Growing up I had the privilege of attending private Christian school for middle and high school where those "simple" truths were expanded upon and explored.  I was not (and am not) naive enough to think everyone was brought up this way.  I bring this up to let you know my starting point and my gratitude that as a young young lady, my worldview was being shaped into a Biblical Worldview.  Having a christian thought process, that was established so young, has caused me as an adult to truly examine and dive into scripture to investigate what I truly believe in light of the Bible for myself.

Image result for alaska gold mining  Image result for alaska gold

The filter of Scripture is so important.  My husband watches gold mining shows set in Alaska.  I occasionally tune in (mostly just to be with him). These miners take great pains with so much equipment to get tiny nuggets of gold.  Sifting though dirt, grim, and rock in order obtain to small pieces of shiny pure gold. In this life, the filter we must use to find priceless treasure(s) is Scripture. Scripture alone to quote Martin Luther.  It helps us weed out all the dust and debris this world is trying to convince is truth, the lie of self importance, and what the world says happiness is and should look like.  The treasure we seek and what Scripture reveals is in the person of Jesus Christ.  Jesus proclaimed in Scripture is the framework and solid foundation that we need to build everything else in our life on!

Stop back later this week as we continue on this journey...


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