Sunday, November 1, 2015

November: A month of Gratitude

I've got a confession to make to you.  I love perfume.  I've always loved fragrance.  I remember my mom wearing White Shoulders, Wind Song (Can't you just hear the 80's commercial for this perfume...cause you're wind song stays on my mind), Estee Lauder's Beautiful, and then her favorite White Diamonds.

I remember when I got my first perfume set for Christmas when I was aound 7 years old.  It had a huge powder puff with TinkerBell perfume.  Here's a picture.  Gotta love Google Images.
  I'm sure it smelled great!

My love of perfume continues...this is one of my faves.

What does perfume have to do with gratitude?  

When I think of gratitude and prayer to God, I'm reminded of Psalm 141:2 "Let my prayer be counted as incense before you, and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice."  

This month I am starting a gratitude journal for at least 30 days (hopefully longer as this will become a habit).  I want my gratitude prayers be a pleasing aroma rising up to heaven. (no pun intended)
Daily my goal will be to make at least one entry of something I am grateful for that day.  

Here's a pic of today's entry.

Join me, will you?  If you wish, leave a comment on something  you are grateful for today?